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When starting the Peavey Project, Alex was adamant that we commit ourselves to serving the Sarah’s of our community - the Helpers, the Community Champions, the teachers, nurses, parents, first responders, other nonprofits and so many others who commit themselves to serving others.


 “This was sooo important and I already use it at my school but it was great to learn a little more and it is definitely a good backbone for our plan.”

APPLE Training Institute Feedback

“It changed the way I approach stress, anxiety, and fear. Rather than running from it, I face it head on and have the tools to be able to do so successfully.“


Clint E.

HS Student

 “It was a new experience that opened my eyes to how men can treat stress and their emotions. Before this it had been hard to ever talk about my emotions especially as a man. With this program I got to learn about myself and my emotions and became a wiser man.”

John J.

HS Student

If your team wants to participate in a mindfulness training program, contact us at

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